Stories from the Outbreak 1.1.0 Update - new content added!

Stories from the Outbreak

Stories from the Outbreak is a turn-based roguelike zombie RPG. Lead a group of survivors from the doomed city of Riga towards a ferry sailing across the North Sea. Scavenge for supplies, battle the undead, decide the fate of your team. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to survive?

Hey all! Almost half a year after the launch, we are happy to present you 1.1 content update, coupled with Nintendo Switch release. The game is also Steam Deck verified now and should run smoothly on your Steam Decks. We've added one new boss fight on the second map and some new trinkets that we wanted to see in the final version of the game. You can check out the Nintendo Switch version [url=]here[/url]. Thank you for playing our games! The Coldwild games team Full changelog: * 1 new boss fight (alternate fight for the second map) * 1 new enemy * 7 new trinkets * 4 new challenge modes * Clearer communication for when to expect particularly difficult encounters against human enemies * Improved gamepad controls - Swap the default controller button mapping for inspecting timeline and inspecting ability (if you have previously modified the button layout, need to reset it for the new layout to apply) - More button hints - Additional onboarding - Option for alternate input mode which reduces need to keep buttons held for a long time and pressing multiple buttons at the same time * Improve text size for small screens * Add tooltips for Unphased timeline icon and map side panel * Codex navigation by clicking on keywords * Reduce sound volume for Elegant strikes focus buff * Soldier visual improvements * (bugfix) Fix flicker at the start of run * (bugfix) Remove codex entries for inaccessible testing content (3 enemies and 1 status effect) * (bugfix) Prevent trinket tooltips from stuck when a popup window gets opened * (bugfix) Missing death animation when Beāte uses massacre ability * (bugfix) Vintage locket wasn't activating * (bugfix) Soldiers were throwing more grenades than intended * (bugfix) Fighting the mutant mother didn't unlock the 4th ability * (bugfix) Periodic autosave didn't activate unless you have spent 6 continous minutes on the map screen at least once (the bug didn't affect autosave when exiting) Balancing: * Healing from spending 3 map nodes in "Idle" role 8 -> 15 * Salt shaker kill requirement 6 -> 5 * Soldier Grenade base cooldown 27 -> 32 * Fixed an incorrect cooldown in the final boss battle * Katerina: Sea of blood bleed amount 3 -> 4 * Inese: Distraction base cooldown 25 -> 35 * Viktorija: Base PWR 3 -> 2 * Viktorija: Base AGI 5 -> 6 * Viktorija: The best defense base damage 3 * STR -> 4 * STR * Viktorija: Combat expertise base cooldown 45 -> 41 * Viktorija: Unscathed base cooldown 35 -> 33 * Viktorija: Death denied base cooldown 55 -> 46 * Maksim: Sight-line base cooldown 35 -> 25 * Maksim: Sight-line focus gain 2 -> 1 * Maksim: Hone base cooldown 40 -> 35 * Maksim: Bloodbath base cooldown 30 -> 25 * Sprīdītis: Mutagenesis base cooldown 35 -> 27 * Beāte: Adrenaline damage scaling for each Vulnerable stack 2 -> 3