Development notes #1

Stories from the Outbreak

Stories from the Outbreak is a turn-based roguelike zombie RPG. Lead a group of survivors from the doomed city of Riga towards a ferry sailing across the North Sea. Scavenge for supplies, battle the undead, decide the fate of your team. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to survive?

Hey all! Alex here, designer of Stories from the Outbreak. Since there’s already been active discussion on the game’s current state, and it’s undeniable that the game needs some more time in the oven, I’d like to get involved in the conversation. During Early Access, I’ll do a somewhat regular (monthly-ish?) design-focused write-up on where the development is going and what we’re doing to address the problems of the game. Also, there might be bigger gaps between some of the updates - this will be a reminder that we haven’t disappeared with your money. For this first one, I’d like to go through some of the more frequently pointed out problems. The good news is that for most of them we absolutely agree with you, and often we even have clear solutions dreamt up. Unfortunately, implementing those solutions is a time-consuming process. Throughout Early Access, we’ll be rolling out numerous larger updates to address these issues. I know that for players it can be really frustrating to wait, but for now I can at least let you know about the core issues we’ve identified and give you a vague idea of how we’ll improve on them. Hopefully this restores your confidence that we’re going in the right direction - for now we’re asking for some patience as we work on these. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42469305/d6769d09b825759e1eae35221e5e84822686da7e.png[/img] [h2]Content[/h2] There’s a lot that we wanted to have ready for the first version, but didn’t end up including for various reasons. The good news is that most of this is content that we should be able to include with the first major update. In the next update, along with polishing the final boss battle (which is in a much earlier state than the other boss battles), we’re hoping to add 3 new enemies, 1 new playable character, a lot of new trinkets (as unlocks), and more. Right now the focus is on reaching the minimum amount to keep every encounter fresh within a run - mostly this means more enemies and more events. As soon as we can, we’re also planning on increasing replayability. Ideally I’d like to see some variance in maps, improvements to their random generation, and hopefully multiple possible bosses for each area. In the long term, we’d like to add ways for veteran players to enjoy more brutal versions of the game, add modding support, and more. [h2]Combat[/h2] Difficulty is currently the biggest gripe a lot of players are facing. One of the things that has to be mentioned right off the bat bash is that the ability unlocks are partially to blame here. Ability unlocks are essentially a tutorial of sorts, easing the complexity of the game for new players. We’ve been planning to take them out from the unlock system, instead giving players permanent ability unlocks much, much sooner. I personally don’t really vibe with permanent unlocks that make players stronger in roguelikes, but I think an unlock system can be healthy for introducing new ways to play and keeping the game fresh and rewarding even when the player dies. Unlocks will instead be used for unlocking new trinkets to be found in the run, and possibly more in the future - opening up more options rather than making the player stronger. Reworking ability unlocks is one of the most pressing changes we’re intending to make, and it should greatly decrease the difficulty wall for new players. Those who have played for a longer while have already seen that the game feels better to play with all unlocks in place. The difficulty level improvements rely heavily on other systems that are being worked on: things like trinket system rework will help achieve smoother sailing. As we’re introducing changes that will lower the difficulty of the game, we’ll also be removing or nerfing some of the more boring and abusable strategies. Ideally we’d like players to sometimes reach broken and powerful builds, but not create strategies that are guaranteed to work every time - dominant strategies shift focus away from the exciting adaptation and unpredictability you want in a roguelike. For veteran players - we’ll ask you to wait a bit. We’ll prioritise getting new players over the difficulty wall, and then add optional challenges and game modes that should push your tactics to the limits. As for characters: Some abilities and ability upgrades are either too plain or too ineffective. Some of this freed up space in characters’ movesets will be used to give options for removing poison/bleed, or cause more timeline shenanigans. In some cases, the basic concept of an ability is interesting but needs balance adjustments. A special case is Viktorija, who is planned to receive a total and complete overhaul of her basic moveset. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42469305/e14709b38fa764a6a6c354deec6709a29b17b0ea.png[/img] [h2]Trinkets[/h2] Some of the comparatively short-term plans we have for improving the game include an overhaul of how trinkets work. I don’t want to spoil too much currently, but I’m pretty excited to see how this system will evolve - we hope it’ll give you interesting variety and satisfying progression, while still giving you some control on the direction of your build and not relying too much on the mercy of RNG. Essentially, once the system is done, you should have some basic customisation options for trinkets, you’ll be guaranteed to find at least some very powerful trinkets in each run, and there will be a lower emphasis on pure randomness in determining your strength. Plus the system will be generally more satisfying to interact with. I’m absolutely certain you’ll enjoy the changes that are coming. [h2]Narrative[/h2] Another area we’re planning on improving - writing & events. We’re going to prioritise gameplay & combat, so narrative might take a backseat until later this year, but we’re well aware that there’s plenty to be improved. Firstly, writing will be clearer and more focused. Secondly, the event system will see large improvements. We have some functionality already in place for achieving longer chains of events, where your actions have a serious impact on the shape of the run. We want to achieve some rudimentary story generation, but this is a goal that requires a base amount of content that we couldn’t reach yet. Thirdly, the conversation-related systems are likely to see serious changes as well. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42469305/5d5bce8507a19bd3ba68036fb624068ece8fe540.png[/img] The first major update is planned for May. We have a roadmap in Steam discussions that sums up the basic (planned, not promised) shape of the update. When it gets closer - I’ll write the next development notes on the contents of the update. This covers the tip of the iceberg on what we’d like to work on. There’s a lot of work involved here, so it’ll take some time. Early Access can be stressful for developers and frustrating for players, but thank you for giving the game a chance in this early state and we hope you stick around to see what we have planned ahead. If you enjoy the game so far and would like to help it evolve to a more finished shape, consider leaving a Steam review! Thank you for your patience! May your intimidation be unhinged, Alex and the rest of the Coldwild Games team.