Steam Playtest 3 Now Live! Patch Notes and More

hey everyone :) Who's ready to race and battle once again? The latest Steam Playtest for Stampede: Racing Royale is rolling out now! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237934/a8575bc8565424bfc5d1c3a6d541c89bb0a955ea.png[/img] If you've signed up to our previous playtests, check your Steam library to see when then usual 'Playtest' version of Stampede: Racing Royale becomes playable. If you're yet to jump in, head to our store page and hit the green 'Request Access' button to get involved. The playtest is also playable at EGX, live from October 12-15, where we're in the Rezzed area. Come say hi if you're at the event! The majority of work for this playtest focused on resolving more community-reported performance and gameplay issues. In terms of new content, a host of new features 'n' experiences are being worked on now, in time for our Early Access launch. We've also updated the [url=]Trello board of known hot-topic issues[/url], which the dev team are looking into. Any issues experienced during the playtest can be sent to our team via our [url=]official reporting form[/url]. Patch notes are below. Thank you and enjoy the playtest! <3 [b]MATCHMAKING[/b] Changes made to lobby configuration and server logic to ensure more live players in matches [b]GAMEPLAY[/b] Improved accuracy and shortened lock-on time for the homing projectile power-up Reticule colours changed for the homing projectile power-up. Reticule will initially be green, then turn red when locked onto an opponent Homing projectile and shield power-ups added to Battle mode events Resolved instances of the homing projectile reticule persisting on-screen after using the power-up Visual size of the shield power-up has been rescaled to be smaller Fixed the corrupted visuals for the minimap and player icon during events [b]LANGUAGES/LOCALISATION[/b] Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese languages added [b]TECHNICAL[/b] Resolved issue causing a ‘Connection failed, logged in with another device’ pop-up to incorrectly appear Resolved issue causing players to be unable to use A/X button to enter a lobby after viewing the ‘How to Play’ screen The ‘hit feed’ will now show when players are affected by the Nitro force curve The ‘No Selection’ option is now selectable in the Wardrobe for glasses and head items when using a controller [b]FRIENDS/PARTY[/b] Resolved some issues causing some players in a party to not join a lobby with other party members Fixed instances of friends being removed from the Friends menu if they have been re-added as a friend Block notifications now appear in the Friends system