heyhey folks,
The herd is increasing once again, as the latest Steam Playtest for Stampede: Racing Royale goes live today!
If you joined any of [i]Stampede[/i]’s Steam Playtests in 2023, you’ll be automatically added to the playtest – look out for an email with details, and check your Steam Library for updates. If you’re new to our frantic online kart racing battle bonanza (phew, that’s a mouthful!), just [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1851350/Stampede_Racing_Royale/]head to our Steam store page[/url], hit the green ‘Request Access’ button, and you’ll be emailed with full details.
Steam players can join the action alongside current Xbox Insider Program players, checking out a work-in-progress preview of what’s coming to Early Access later this year. The playtest is the same version of the game available on Insider Program, and cross-platform matchmaking will be enabled, meaning players across Xbox, Windows PC, and Steam will be competing to be champion against each other!
Discover a huge range of additions and changes since last year’s Steam Playtest, driven by community feedback, including over 400 new customisation items to discover, new maps, Special Events, fresh progression features, and plenty more. [url=https://discord.gg/vvg2PFEUbQ]Join the [i]Stampede[/i] chat on Discord[/url] and use our [url=https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPageV2.aspx?origin=NeoPortalPage&subpage=design&id=yQ77h3sSS066TarLNc0p8oIdTAJnfP5OqYXDlMxZ_BlUQVFTVjY0SVk5VDkzOVM1WjdUSFZJN1BEUS4u]reporting form[/url] to have your say and help us polish things up for Early Access launch.
Please note: The playtest will run on Steam Deck, but significant performance issues may still pop up, as we continue to make improvements on this device. We’re working on it!
Drop us a follow on [url=https://www.instagram.com/stampederacingroyale/]Instagram[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/StampedeRacing]X[/url], [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@stampederacingroyale]TikTok[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/@StampedeRacingRoyale]YouTube[/url] for more [i]Stampede [/i]shenanigans.