Official Discord Server Now Live!

Stampede: Racing Royale

Welcome to the wildest kart racing event ever devised, where 60 players go bumper-to-bumper on outrageous circuits filled with power-ups. Avoid elimination and fight your way to the front of the herd in the scramble to be crowned champion!

hey folks! The official Discord server for Stampede: Racing Royale is now live. Feel free to join via the link below: This is our primary space to chat with both our team and the wider Stampede community. As we really kick things into gear later this year, we'll be organising events, competitions, and more on the server. If you prefer to just hang out on Steam Discussions, that's fine - we'll be keeping an eye on conversations there, too! We'll be sharing our next Dev Log and Stampede Podcast very soon, discussing more about our Early Access launch, which remains on track for Steam. Look forward to sharing those with you, and chatting on Discord. Thank you! <3