Steam FPS Fest – Enjoy a 50% discount on Black One Blood Brothers

Black One Blood Brothers

Black One Blood Brothers is a tactical military shooter game where strategy and coordination are key. Command a squad of top operators, with unique skills, through high-risk missions around the globe. Customize your crew, plan your missions, and adjust on the fly for a vast replayability.

Attention, Operators! The Steam FPS Fest is here, presenting the perfect opportunity to explore Black One Blood Brothers. If you're seeking a stealthy solo FPS experience, look no further. Enlist with the tight-knit brotherhood of Black One, comprised of elite spec ops from across the globe. Take point with your squad and navigate through a variety of clandestine missions - from silent target takedowns to high-stakes hostage extractions and vital intel retrievals. Traverse diverse terrain, from the stark expanse of sun-scorched deserts to bustling urban centers and secured airports. The crucible of covert operations awaits. The question is: Are you prepared to rise to the challenge as one? [previewyoutube=krsS_WNBeFE;full][/previewyoutube] Black One Blood Brothers offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor every aspect of your squad's dynamic. From honing the skills of your ten operators to carefully crafting their loadouts, attire, and insignias, you have significant control over your team's composition. Adjust the difficulty settings to match your tactical finesse, creating an experience that resonates with your brotherhood's ethos. [img][/img] Will you orchestrate your maneuvers from the shadows, meticulously planning each move on the tactical map? Or will you lead from the frontline, issuing swift and decisive commands through the quick order panel? Whether you favor the silent approach, slipping through enemy lines with surgical precision and stealth, or opt for a display of calculated force, asserting dominance over all who dare oppose you, Black One Blood Brothers places you squarely at the forefront of your comrades' trust. While the game is currently available in Early Access, rest assured that we are listening to your feedback and suggestions. Join our Discord server to stay informed and engage in discussions with fellow brothers in arms. Regular updates are continuously deployed, and the Steam FPS Fest marks the arrival of the latest 1.49 update. Immerse yourself in two new theaters of operation, utilize the Photo & Video mode to capture your triumphs, and revel in a host of quality-of-life enhancements, including an all-new soundtrack. [img][/img] Bear in mind that Black One Blood Brothers is still under development, and the current iteration is doesn’t reflect the final quality of the game.. Prepare yourselves, Operators, to put your strategic mind, skills, and comradery, to the test. Enlist now for the Early Access on Steam: Join us on Discord and start the conversation: