Steam Endless Replayability Fest... featuring Penny Blood: Hellbound!

Penny Blood: Hellbound

Unleash the hounds from hell and fight your way free of this otherworldly prison in a roguelike adventure that explores the world of Penny Blood’s darker side! Can you find the distinction between good and evil…?

Hey Hellhounders, As we mentioned in our last update, we have released a demo for Penny Blood: Hellbound that includes a a taste of the single player campaign and the all-new online multiplayer mode! You can still check it out right now in Steam's Endless Replayability Fest. Be sure to leave comments to help Hellbound continue to level up in quality! Speaking of which, we are fixing a lot of bugs in preparation for the Early Access 2 build to give you a more stable experience. Here is a selection of some of the biggest adjustments that will be coming: [list] [*] Ranged characters can now also perform bloodsurfing attacks (Dr. Eugene, Saltykova) [*] Your buddy (the AI-controlled character) will now use Weapon Skills. [*] The Druid's AoE (where trees sprout out of the ground) has been adjusted so that the camera will zoom out and let you see the entire screen during the attack. [*] The mouse cursor will now be invisible when playing with a gamepad. [*] ! marks now appear when all enemies attack. [*] Fixed a bug where the New mark (orange mark) would keep appearing even after accepting rewards in Purgatory. [*] Scapegoat will now create a scapegoat that looks like a humanoid doll instead of always looking like Clara. [*] Fixed the gameplay so that Ecstasy Skills now hit certain enemies even while they're in the middle of an invincibility frame action. [/list]