Early Access Update #2 is LIVE! Full Patch Notes Listed

Penny Blood: Hellbound

Unleash the hounds from hell and fight your way free of this otherworldly prison in a roguelike adventure that explores the world of Penny Blood’s darker side! Can you find the distinction between good and evil…?

Heads up Hellhounders! The latest [b]major[/b] update for Steam Early Access is now live! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44772353/83d6cd7328c00d80891415a3c55df0e2ae0c849a.png[/img] [u]Short list of main additions:[/u] [list] [*] Area 4 and a new boss [*] Online Multiplayer Mode [*] New set of weapons for every character [*] 2 new facility NPCs and 2 new dungeon NPCs [*] Blood-surfing attacks for ranged characters [*] New quests [*] New enemies added and previous enemies adjusted [*] More functionality for support dungeon NPCs [*] Various bug-fixes [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44772353/8af32aba02f89a9035b64083f5b3c842679a7cc7.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44772353/fca3917ae6c16b82d6c4d7a900fd2a8ad6ef946e.png[/img] We can't wait for everyone to dive into Area 4, try out the new weapons, and team up in the online multiplayer mode! Please find the entire list of details below! [h3]Player Characters[/h3] Secondary weapons for the following characters have been added: Clara: Crimson Rain Axeman: Greataxe Sariel: Säbelzähne Dr. Eugene: Malice Cube Σ Saltykova: Serrated Fans Ranged characters can now use bloodsurfing attacks: Dr. Eugene Saltykova [h3]NPCs[/h3] Nihila added Sabnack added Jane Toppan added Dosetsu Igarashi added [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44772353/07216eed789cc7128edb3ac00214f81f2642c7a0.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44772353/cc10d1b7e390a53b9bd9e28dbc1b30770a298f13.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44772353/d0609f1b2ccfd3b353a51ed8b5ef4457dcba5d9e.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44772353/d528c8441c0276a792ea66105ab1ecdabe485e49.png[/img] [h3]Enemies[/h3] Acolytes added Armored Acolytes added Kuroguros added Mortadiata added Meat Puppets added Baphomorphs added Kuroguro design updated Punira design updated Enemy parameters adjusted [h3]Bosses[/h3] Area 4 Boss added The camera now zooms out during the Viridian Druid's AoE attack (when trees sprout out of the ground) The camera now zooms out during Crimson Shaman's purple jar attack. The jar's HP gauge is now visilbe during the Crimson Shaman's purple jar attack. The Wicker Man's (the Druid's familiar) melee attacks have been adjusted. -It can now sense players across a wider area. The Wicker Man now heals the Viridian Druid at a slower rate. Dr. Eugene's Malice Wall skill can now be destroyed by the Wicker Man's attacks. Blood now splatters on the camera during boss death animations. If a cutscene begins when a boss' voiced line is playing, the voiced line will be paused. The icons that display boss' HP gauges have been adjusted. Boss parameters have been adjusted. [h3]Battle-related[/h3] Buddies (your AI partners) will now use Weapon Skills. Buddies (your AI partners) will now use Active Skills. The Ecstasy Skill damage formula has been adjusted. Ecstasy Skills will now affect some enemies when they are in the middle of invincible actions. Pain Gate and Wrathflare skills will now hit enemies who are underground (Umbilicalo, Umbilikiller, Laserheads) The Shadow Skin skill now boosts your normal attack crit rate while active. The Scapegoat skill will now spawn a general use character model as the decoy instead of always looking like Clara. The Scapegoat skill has been altered so that characters and enemies will not be able to climb on the decoy. A ! mark will now display before any enemy performs an attack. Wisdom Blessing now activates after a stage is completed. Boss HP gauges have been adjusted so the orb icon count is 1 less than their total HP guages. Enemies will now be impervious to stage trap damage before a battle stage starts. The Enriched Harvest skill no longer has a cooldown time - it recovers your HP whenever you kill an enemy now. Ecstasy Skills now pause when boss cutscenes begin. The Malice Dagger now instantly explodes whenever it hits a breakable object or organ. The Deathsurfing skill can now destory breakable objects. Some skills now bounce you back when you activate them near a wall. Stage clear rewards now no longer spawn near stage walls, since they were sometimes hard to locate. The Pain Gate skill now no longer activates when an enemy dodges. Dr. Eugene's Malice Cube α charged shot no longer bounces off of stage traps. Some skill parameters have been adjusted. [h3]Areas[/h3] Area 4 has been added. New stage traps have been added to Area 4. After purchasing Rose Hip Tea from the Subspace Tearoom, Baby Cthulhu will sometimes spawn on the area map. Enemy placement has been adjusted. The Stage Clear Reward: X pennies chain effect now activates after completing a stage and returning to the area map. The effects of Healing Essence, an item in area shops, has been changed: -It no longer restores the HP of dead characters. -It no longer prevents characters from being revived when used on them. The shadows of the streetlights in the Boston Backstreets have been improved. You will now no longer take damage from poison swamp traps after a battle stage has been completed. If an area shop panel is next to a resurrection panel, the panels around it will now be unlocked. The pause menu can now be opened on the area select screen. [h3]Hideout[/h3] Subspace Tearoom has been added. Secondary weapons can now be crafted and enhanced at the Forbidden Trapdoor. The Dimensional Rift has been added. [h3]Deadman's Lounge[/h3] The Deadman's Lounge UI has been improved. The effects of the Brandy Sangaree drink have been changed: It now boosts your ATK by N% every time you complete a battle stage without taking damage. The effects of the Corpse Reviver drink have been changed: It now boosts your resurrection count by 1 and restores N% of your HP upon resurrection. [h3]Demonic Wardsmith[/h3] Accessory effect values will now be displayed. The effects of the Vengeful Ritual Sword accessory have been changed: It now boosts one of the skills you own by N levels whenever you defeat a boss. The effect when the Vengeful Ritual Sword activates has been changed. Effect values have been added to the accessory details at the Demonic Wardsmith. The SOLD OUT sign will not overlap the accessory icons of purchased accessories anymore. [h3]Purgatory[/h3] New enemy info has been added to the Creatures tab. New NPC info has been added to the Allies tab. New area info has been added to the Mictlan tab. The following details have been added to the Dungeon NPC pages: -Ally Level -Skill details -Stats The player will now remain in front of Purgatory after rewatching the opening movie at the facility. Multiple rewards can now be claimed at once. [h3]Playroom of the Underworld[/h3] If your controller becomes disconnected during a sigil mini-game, closing the info window will no longer affect the sigil. [h3]Subspace Tearoom[/h3] Item effect values are now visible. Effect values have now been added to the item explanations. [h3]Dismantler of Death[/h3] Item names and explanations have been altered so that it's clear that you are purchasing the recipes and not the actual items. -Foulleech Pickles -Merat Jerky -Scepter of Agonizing Cries -Murder Jewel [h3]Tutorials[/h3] A tutorial has been added for the Dimensional Rift. [h3]UI[/h3] The active skill slot design has been altered. The passve skill slot design has been altered. Active drinks are now visible in the inventory window. You can now see the following details for dungeon NPCs traveling with you in the inventory window: -Ally Level -Skill info -Stats Sustained poison damage values are now purple instead of white. An activation button icon will now appear next to your Ecstasy Skill. The pause menu is now accessible on the area select screen. ! marks will not display during hideout cutscenes. Currency earned in battle stages will be displayed in a different area now. When the camera zooms in for an Ecstasy Skill, inventory info will be temporarily hidden. [h3]Cutscenes[/h3] Voiced lines will now play for some lines in conversation scenes. Each character now has a variety of different facial expressions. The timing of the penny payment during a cutscene with Denke will now happen during the actual cutscene. The blood gauge will disappear during cutscenes. Discrepancies between lines and narration have been fixed. [h3]Online Mode[/h3] Random matches have been added. Friend matches have been added. [h3]Sound[/h3] Certain sound effects have been changed. [h3]Other[/h3] The mouse cursor now disappears when playing with a gamepad. Other small adjustments have been made. [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] Fixed a bug where keyboard button config settings were not being saved on the options screen. Fixed typos in conversation scenes. Blood meter will now disappear during NPC cutscenes that happen in battle stages. Unnecessary text has been deleted from Charlie's cutscene. The Pain Gate skill will no longer explode when enemies dodge. Fixed a bug where certain characters' light remained and caused reflections on the ground has been. Dr. Eugene's charged shot will no longer bounce off certain stage traps. Fixed a bug where a sound effect would repeat if a character died from being hit by Ivory's wine glass mid-attack. Fixed a bug where acquiring the Ecstasy Rush skill after leveling up your Ecstasy Attack at Dr. Eugene's Mod Lab would allow you to do way more damage than intended. Fixed a bug where quickly moving the mouse on the skill sphere acquisition window would allow you to select multiple skill spheres at once. Fixed a bug where if Sariel was attacked during a bloodsurfing attack, canceling the attack, the effect would remain on-screen. Fixed a bug where the sound effect for Dark Star would keep playing if the player switched characters or took damage when charging it. Fixed a bug where dead characters would become invisible upon starting a stage. Fixed a bug where dead characters would be attacked by enemies when starting a stage. Fixed a bug where Dark Star could be fired through walls if activated near one. Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in a grab if Fearless Grin activated while being grabbed by a Kurogo. Fixed a bug where Kurogos would freeze if Sadistic Reflection activated and reduced their armor to 0 during a grab. Fixed a bug where the Sudden Mission UI would become messed up in 16:10 resolutions. Fixed a bug where the screen would flicker after selecting Return to Hideout from the pause menu in a battle stage. Fixed a bug where one stage would remain locked when a resurrection stage spawned next to a shop stage. Fixed a bug where the sound effect for purchasing an item that you can't buy in the shop would be the same as the sound effect for purchasing an item that you can buy. Fixed a bug where you could sometimes earn pennies twice after clearing a stage with the Stage Clear Reward: X Pennies chain effect active. Fixed a bug where certain skill sphere entries would remain locked in Purgatory. Fixed a bug where, if you disconnected your controller during the sigil mini-game, reconnecting it and pressing a button to close the info window would cause you to fail the mini-game. Fixed a bug where the New mark would remain on certain screens of Purgatory even after claiming rewards. Fixed a bug where the difficulty would fail to change after selecting a new one at the Xolotl statue. Fixed a bug where the New mark would appear on locked entries in Purgatory. Fixed a bug where elements unlocked in Dr. Eugene's Mod Lab would somehow become locked again. Fixed an error in the explanation for the Herb Tea Dream item. Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Denke's conversation scene to not appear. Fixed a bug where unvisited area names would sometimes become visible in Purgatory. Fixed a bug where Foulleech Pickles and Merat Jerky effects would sometimes be added to locked drinks in the Deadman's Lounge. Fixed a bug related to the effects of Elderberry Tea. Fixed a bug where some Crimson Shaman cutscenes would not appear. Fixed a bug where your buddy would still be able to bloodsurf even though you had the Gloom Scarf equipped. Fixed a bug that prevented the effects of Thunderous Pace from being added to your buddy as well. Fixed a bug that would make the other character turn invisible when the one you're controlling got captured by an Iron Maiden. Fixed a bug that prevented the area shop item Ecstasy Honey from working properly. Fixed a bug where certain Ivory Warlock attacks would affect areas other than what was highlighted. Fixed a bug that caused a sound effect to repeat after getting a game over from being hit by certain Ivory Warlock attacks. Fixed a bug that caused your character's position to change when switching characters whle being grabbed by a Kurogo or Foulleech. Fixed bugs related to the collision detection of some Crimson Shaman attacks. Fixed a bug where the Axeman would sometimes sink while idling. Fixed a bug where some Purgatory text would sometimes be overlapped. Fixed a bug that would cause bosses to keep teleporting when you used the Scapegoat skill during a boss battle. Fixed a bug where the Malice Drone would not attack certain enemies. Fixed a bug that would prevent the sustained damage from Saltykova's Venomwhip Weapon Skill. Fixed a bug related to the Malice Dagger hitting breakable objects or entrails. Fixed a bug where some of the auto-movement floor tile stage traps would be pointing in a different direction than what they would actually move you in. Fixed a bug that caused character effects to remain on-screen after being captured by an Iron Maiden. Fixed an error in the explanation for the Hibiscus Tea item. Fixed an error in the explanation for the Apple Tea item. Fixed an error in the explanation for the Lemon Tea item. Fixed a bug that sometimes let you go outside of certain stages. Fixed a bug that caused the count-up animation when acquiring pennies would start at a value lower than the amount you actually had. Fixed a bug that would cause a sound effect to repeat when using currency at certain facilities. Fixed a bug that would cause the currency acquired sound effect to repeat when opening the inventory screen. Fixed a bug that would prevent skill sphere info from being added to Purgatory. Fixed an error in the Corpse Reviver drink explanation text. Fixed a bug that would cause the bloodsurfing attack effect to remain after Sariel took damage during a bloodsurfing attack. Fixed a bug that caused the Dark Star sound effect to repeat. Fixed a bug that would cause a dead buddy to keep getting attacked by enemies under certain conditions. Fixed a bug that prevented the Herb Tea Dream item from working properly. Fixed a bug that would allow you to sometimes earn stage rewards twice. Fixed a bug that prevented some of Denke's cutscenes from being added to Purgatory. Fixed a bug where Kurogos would freeze if Sadistic Reflection activated during a grab. Fixed a bug where some objects in the hideout would turn purple if the texture setting Low was selected in the options screen. Fixed a bug where the recovery effect would be displayed for dead characters after using a Healing Essence. Fixed a bug that caused the ! over Dr. Eugene's head to remain under specific conditions. Fixed various other small bugs. [h3] Future Roadmap[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44772353/8eb6a08111b0c5fb1117ee9bd43934e464ffc86f.png[/img] We hope you enjoy the latest version of Penny Blood: Hellbound! Thank you as always for all of your support!