One Late Night: Deadline continues the story of One Late Night, a horror/mystery game where you play the role of an office worker caught in the middle of the paranormal activity that has broken out in a seemingly ordinary office building. Freely explore the 5 story office complex that houses several different companies.
Here's a brief update of what’s currently going on and what's what with One Late Night: Deadline.
Firstly, there seems to be a general misconception going on that the original "One Late Night" game was a demo. It wasn't, because "One Late Night: Deadline" is a sequel. The first game was intended to be the first and only One Late Night game, but then "Deadline" was conceived from high demand and popularity that arose from the first game. The development started right after the release of the first game in January 2013.
Secondly, a general gameplay note: Objectives in the game are presented to you in the objectives bar at the top left. This bar will always show the most recent objective that is presented to you and will update periodically as you complete and trigger new objectives. Note that you can have several objectives opened at the same time, though only the most recent one will be displayed. This seems to have been misconstrued as a bug by some people, but I assure you that it is by design and is a part of the whole difficulty aspect of the game.
Thirdly, and relevant note: Content updates and bug fixes are in progress. The upcoming content update will include, among other things, support for game controllers. I have also planned a difficulty setting, which will provide a mode with less of a challenge for those who would like to see all open objectives at the same time. I will also completely remove the sprint animation as that seems to not have been very popular. Other animations will also be reworked and improved and there will be plenty of other gameplay improvements and fixes as well. I hope this will be satisfactory.
I genuinely am sorry for the difficulties that some people have experienced with the game and that they have gotten the wrong impression of the game because of that. As with many indie developers, this is a game that I've worked on during my spare time, and when you work single-handedly on a large game such as this with very limited resources, some errors are unfortunately bound to slip by. This is no excuse, it's just fact and I am doing everything in my power to address these issues the best I can so that you can get a good game experience. Thanks for your patience and support!