Starborne: Frontiers - Patch 2.1

[h2]Features[/h2] [list] [*][u][b]New filters have been added to the Hangar![/b][/u] Players will now be able to filter instead of sort in the hangar. The filter is very similar to the filters used in the pre-combat unit selection stages. We have also added the ability to now filter by faction. Combat power values and sorting have been added to the Hangar as well. [i]As a result of these changes, we have removed the affinity, role, and faction sorting.[/i] [*]Players now have the ability to hide the dispatched units in the unit selection for combat. [i]This is saved between sessions.[/i] [*][b]Dispatch:[/b] The timers for new missions now reset at midnight GMT, our usual daily reset time. [*]Multibattles are now available for hard Abyss boss fights. [*]We have introduced a new design for the single-unit reveal screen. [i]Players will be able to preview a unit's skills right then and there.[/i] [*]A "get more" popup, which leads to the market, now appears when players don't have enough XP bits to upgrade a unit. [*]The Special Offer tab arrows now change between offers, not pages. [*]Unseen Special Offers and unclaimed Progression Offer rewards now have notification icons. [/list] ## UI, Visual & Audio Changes [list] [*]Rare units in a ten pull now have a slight glow in order to help distinguish them better from other rarities. [*]Locked feature dialog now shows the player level required to unlock said content. [*]Cobalt now has an animated portrait! [/list] ## Bug Fixes [list] [*]Fixed an issue with the refit panel being slow/crashing when too many units or refit kits were available for use. [*]Fixed an issue that could cause the crafting button to deactivate when switching between recipes with the same tech element. [*]Fixed an issue that could cause asset download to get stuck at 99.9% *We also improved the display of current asset download progress in the loading screen.* [*]Fixed an issue that could cause the game to unmute after connecting to Bluetooth. [*]Fixed an issue that was causing points claimed at the end of a dispatch reward track to be lost. [*]Fixed an issue with the Abyss depth selection causing a severe visual bug. [/list]