Spankin' Good News! What's Ahead?

Hey there SPANKRs! Exciting news! Matt from TheRealCivilEngineer played our demo! We've nearly had more traffic and Steam wishlists from this one video than we did from our award nominations with Indiecade 2024, and the video only came out a day ago! This traffic brought in a ton of new players, and with that we even got some feedback and bug reports. It turned out when we fixed a bug, it caused a few more to pop up. The version RCE played in the video was older and those issues were fixed, but some new ones came up after that, namely getting soft-locked on the tower defense level when you unlocked collectibles. Well that's fixed now! We've also fixed a few other things and some small quality of life changes. [b]What's Ahead[/b] If you want to stay up to date, feel free to join our Newsletter or Discord! We post updates, have giveaways, and even give out codes for in game content! But self promotion aside, what's the future look like? [url=]Newsletter[/url] [url=]Our Discord[/url] Well this week we've been writing out and finalizing the full game. The demo has around 25 levels or so. As of writing this, the full game will have well over 100 different levels, around 10 different "endings", and 5 new characters, unseen in the demo (though some of the Newsletters mention some of them). We've been loving all the positive feedback, and we're excited to make a game people hopefully love! We're at around 3,500 wishists, but Steam games tend to need 7000+ to make a splash on the algorithm. If you can, we'd appreciate if you shared our... strange little game with friends or influences, every bit helps! Thanks again everyone, keep Spankin! -Kyle Frost (Mahelyk)