After watching some LetsPlays and Twitch Streams we've compiled a list of things we've fixed or improved!
-Added money pop-up animation to booty defense
-Added tower refund (half cost returned)
-Added a face to a guy in the smoochie level
-Fixed a bug where you could pause in the collectible screen, exiting pause removed the mouse
-Fixed small ledge you could get stuck on in demonic level
-Change bedroom light switch to say E to Toggle Light Switch
-The end of the secret scary ending takes players to HQ instead of the bedroom
-Fixed up BBS6 menu to be more legible and less confusing
-Renamed HOME to SPANKR HQ to avoid confusion of people thinking the HQ was the bedroom
-Added a TIP to the win screen to help point people to the HQ and level selector
-Made glass more visible
-Checked if Pucker Puncher was broken from a letsplay I saw, unable to recreate issue, so hopefully
-Added numbers to all sliders in settings menu to make it easier
-Reinstall game button now also resets player's stick customization
-Drastically reduced the time forcing the player to listen to Spunk in the museum level before it opens, and in the Moral Dilemma level before the portal door opens.
-Changed club to start dance by spanking block instead of walking in area (should reduce accidental starts of song)
-Probably a few other things I forgot to write down, let's just call them "Mystery Fixes" so it's fancy
As always, we'd love to hear feedback (good and bad) so we can improve the demo even more as we work on the full game!