What a Spanktacular day to spank a glitch!
[h1]We're pleased to announce that a bunch of new decor items and Spank Stick skins are now in game! [/h1]
How do you get them, where's the goods?
Well that's easy! We've finally finished setting up our Mailing List/Newsletter!
When you first sign up you'll get FOUR days of hidden GlitchSPANKR lore, loot codes to redeem in game, and even mini-Choose Your Own Adventure mini-games to play with your favorite characters (and get extra special items)! These item codes will work in the demo AND the full game.
After the four days of free loot we'll only send out monthly Newsletters. These will show off some of the cool stuff we've been working on (without spoilers), introductions to new characters, even more item codes and loot, and more mini adventures to play!
The link is right here, it's easy! Even Spunk could do it (Probably, not sure if he can read though)
We hope to see you around, we've got a lot of cool stuff coming!