Some Updates of Our Current Development

Nobody - The Turnaround

Nobody – The Turnaround is a life simulator set in a parallel world that echoes modern society. Manage your time and resources carefully, strive to find a way through difficult times, and overcome the predicament you find yourself in.

Hi guys! It's been some time since our last update. We have received so much support since our first demo testing this February. It's been such an honor and also quite overwhelming at the same time. Nobody – The Turnaround is the first game of our studio and it's impossible for us to avoid making mistakes. To create a fun and challenging game, we had to rebuild the game several times to ensure the best game experience for you at Early Access. We have added many new features and contents into the game to create a more immersive world. However, this takes more time than we expected. (Besides, we had to work from home for some time due to incidents like an earthquake and such…) Sorry for keeping you waiting! In terms of the release date, taking into account the current development progress and the release schedule suggested by our publisher Thermite Games, we have tentatively decided on the schedule of mid-November, so that we will have more time to keep optimizing the game. Now that the framework of the game has been completed, a few weeks should be enough for us to finish the development and fix some more bugs. And next week we should be able to finalize the release date! Please stay tuned! And thank you all so much for your patience and support!