Frequently asked questions and answers before launch!

Nobody - The Turnaround

Nobody – The Turnaround is a life simulator set in a parallel world that echoes modern society. Manage your time and resources carefully, strive to find a way through difficult times, and overcome the predicament you find yourself in.

Q: When exactly is the release of Nobody - The Turnaround? A: "04:00 pm, Nov 17, GMT+8; 12:00 am, Nov 17, PST; 09:00 am, Nov 17, GMT+1" Q: What's Early Access? A: Early Access means that the game is still in development and we will keep updating contents and optimizing the gameplay till full release. But please rest assured that our game has already contained much content in Early Access, including the first script in the story mode, a challenge and a sandbox mode. Q: Do I still need to buy the game after full release? A: There's no need to purchase the game again if you have already bought the game in Early Access. Q: Will the second and third story be released as free updates or DLCs? A: The second and the third story will be updated for free. We will be sharing our development plans for the Early Access with you later. Please stay tuned! Q: Can I still try the demo? A: The Early Access version of the game is quite different from the demo. And the current demo won't be able to represent the game quality of Nobody - The Turnaround any more. We will remove the demo from Steam at 8:00 pm (PST) on Nov. 16. Q: Currently there's only one script in the story mode. Will the gameplay be really short? A: Not really. For each round in the story mode, you will be given 30 days to finish the story. The time is limited and you will only be able to experience the earlier stage of the game content. But in the sandbox mode, you'll be able to experience full game content with no time limitation. You can start a romance relationship, build up your own business or buy your own property or a car. Q: Are there any stories in the challenge/sandbox mode? A: Yes. Even though there isn't a specific main storyline in the challenge/sandbox like the story mode, you can still encounter lots of different characters and experience their life stories. Q: Where can I visit in the game when launch? A: You will be able to visit downtown, some wholesale markets etc. We will keep updating the game map in the future. Q: Does the game have multiplayer mode? A: Nobody - The Turnaround is a single-player game. Q: Will the game support mac system? A: The game will support macOS at Early Access. Q: Will the game support controllers? A: Currently the game doesn't support controllers yet. But we are planning to add controller support later. Q: Will there be console/mobile versions? A: Right now we are focusing on the development of the PC version. But we are considering porting the game to other platforms in the future. Q: How many save slots are there in the game? A: One save slot each for the story, challenge and sandbox mode. Q: Can I continue playing the progression of the demo? A: No. You will need to start all over again. Q: Can we use game cheats to play the game? A: Yes. Q: Will there be DLCs in the future? A: Currently we are focusing on the development and expansion of the Early Access version. There's no specific plan for DLCs yet. Q: What should we do if we met some bugs in the game? A: We have built in a Feedback section in the game. You could simply send us some feedback or suggestions inside the game.