Sneak Out - Thank you for participating in the playtests ๐ŸŽ‰

Sneak Out

Sneak Out is a free to play multiplayer game full of mischief and fun for up to six players. Enter the Haunted Castle and prepare to hunt, hide, or prank 'em all, causing all kinds of hilarious mayhem while trying to win the deadly game of hide and seek!

[h1]Thank you for taking part in the 2nd Sneak Out Playtest![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44190768/19a12bc7905d73ed29d2d58b810dd5db7992ad22.png[/img] Thank you to all participants of the Sneak Out Playtest (February 1-5, 2024 on Steam) for your enthusiasm and commitment! Your feedback is invaluable to us and duly noted for balancing work. :tools: [b]Servers issues during playtest[/b] We have decided to open the playtest fully to stress test our new server infrastructure. This test has shown that there are still critical issues to fix. We know exactly what they are and are currently addressing them. ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ [b]Next steps - another playtest incoming[/b] As soon as we fix the server issues, we will test again in the same way. This will happen sometime in February, possibly within 1-2 weeks. We will let you know in advance. :rocket: [b]Full game release[/b] Once we are confident that the servers are working smoothly, we will be moving forward with the release of the game. We are aiming for a full release in the first half of this year. Possibly early access earlier, but this will be decided based on testing results. With thanks, The Sneak Out Team