Sneak Out Stress Tests are going LIVE from March 7th to 14th! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Sneak Out

Sneak Out is a free to play multiplayer game full of mischief and fun for up to six players. Enter the Haunted Castle and prepare to hunt, hide, or prank 'em all, causing all kinds of hilarious mayhem while trying to win the deadly game of hide and seek!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44190768/e0f2fdcda3ae2fe6fe718205555062da4f644dbb.png[/img] [h3]You can play Sneak Out for 1 week. Your character from the previous Playtests will be available during this Stress Test.[/h3] [i]Our February playtests had connection issues which essentially capped the number of concurrent players that could play the game. We have now changed the servers and are confident the problem is fixed. To make sure, we are organising a week long [b]Stress Test[/b] starting this Thursday 7th March. [b]Come join us and play Sneak Out with us and your friends.[/b] If you donโ€™t have people to play with, donโ€™t worry. Come join our Discord server and play together with other members of our community.[/i] ๐Ÿง [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44190768/e6ff8bf72a1d23887efdd0fe0a3a1d015d8ebde1.png[/img][/url]