Small tweaks

Skeletal Avenger

Embark on a bone-chilling quest for vengeance as a skull-hurling skeletal warrior in Skeletal Avenger! This captivating roguelite dungeon crawler melds hack'n'slash mayhem with endlessly replayable gameplay, offering a thrilling, ever-evolving experience that keeps you coming back for more.

- Removed Early Access badging - Optimized enemy seek player routing a bit - Fixed some enemy pathfinding issues - Lightened bloodstone fx - Blocked deeds dropping in endless challenge - Blocked items dropping from crates in endless challenge - Sharpened hold-interaction pie gfx - Fixed gap in Caverns wall - Tweaked problematic prefab in Caverns - Added missing water ripples to sewer layout - UI scale affecting equip or sell stash dialog - UI scale affecting change language & upgrades screens - other small UI tweaks