Post Launch Update #1

Skeletal Avenger

Embark on a bone-chilling quest for vengeance as a skull-hurling skeletal warrior in Skeletal Avenger! This captivating roguelite dungeon crawler melds hack'n'slash mayhem with endlessly replayable gameplay, offering a thrilling, ever-evolving experience that keeps you coming back for more.

Alright, this is our first post launch update. We've collected a lot of feedback post launch and done a lot of fixes and improvements accordingly. We'll probably do a couple of these as long as the feedback keeps coming at regular intervals. Here's the change log: [list] [*] Fixed inventory not closing from inventory button if bound to mouse button [*] Hold interaction for exit portals, to prevent accidental exits & sucking coins/bloodstones [*] Added optional gamepad vibration when taking damage [*] Added option to turn of low health warning flash [*] Added overlay map opacity option [*] Added minimap icon for level clear portal [*] Added 'sell all unequipped' button to stash [*] Lowered co-op difficulty [*] Leveled up boss friends in co-op [*] Showing repair amount on anvil interactive [*] Increased armor repair from collected keys a bit [*] Included explanations for elated/energized in item descriptions [*] Colour item/perk pick screen title by player colour in multiplayer [*] Lowered slime mother miniboss shield leveling and base hp a bit [*] Increased goblin miniboss hp slightly [*] Enemies more readily disregard dead targets [*] Fixed coin collision bug [*] Slightly faster coin suck [*] Lowered coin ground glow brightness [*] Mage fireballs more red/orange than yellow to distinguish them from coins more easily [*] Not drawing skull indicator when player dead in co-op [*] Calmed/scaled down skull indicator a bit [*] Fixed crash bug when switching hats mid-throw [*] Fixed gamepad tooltips align in inventory & co-op setup screens [*] Formatting large numbers in Statistics screen [*] Unified 'ok' button capitalizations [*] Tweaked line breaks in tutorial level floating texts [*] Scaled down button icons in tutorial level floating texts [*] Nudging coins and bloodstones display on hud when level info string is wide [*] Fixed intro text align [*] Fixed intro background fader align [*] Fixed stats screen align issues [*] Slime mothers spilling green instead of red blood [*] Fixed extra luck from item/affix showing in character stats [*] Added a shortcut to caverns layout [*] Added a bit of padding to some dungeon layouts [*] Fixed a buggy wall in a dungeon layout [*] Added some missing translations & improved some existing ones [/list]