Undead Horde 2: Necropolis Now Available

Undead Horde

Become a necromancer and raise the dead - Undead Horde is a necromantic action game with elements from RPG, strategy and hack'n'slash. Maraud through the lands of the living, raze their villages and steal their treasures. Ultimately you'll take over the whole kingdom of the living!

[img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/396411/89583ed8f43c701cc7914220cd3df743c2c4dd56.gif[/img] Undead Horde 2: Necropolis is now out on Early Access - the undead are marching! About one fourth of game content is now open and playable in this version. There's also a substantial 20% discount for a limited time which will not be repeated for a while. Find it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2065810/Undead_Horde_2_Necropolis/