Small Patch after Feedback


You are a space mining apprentice with a bright future ahead. However, your superior Commander Neek would rather watch a movie than teach you anything. Can you collect crystals and survive on your own?

New feedback and bugs have already come in, here are the latest changes: [list] [*]Added music to level editor and player levels (thanks Veven) [*]Added "Select Mission" to splash screen, like in the original version (thanks Khimitsu) [*]Added info message in unlockables scene about their main use for endless mode (thanks Khimitsu) [*]Right-clicking on seeker deselects it now (thanks Khimitsu) [*]You only get money when you finish a mission now (except for Endless Mode) (thanks Khimitsu) [*]White indestructible projectiles don't die from shields anymore (like in original version) (thanks Khimitsu) [*]Fixed a bug with overlapping font in level editor settings (thanks Veven) [*]Fixed Options on splash screen returning to pause screen (thanks Khimitsu) [*]Fixed a bug in UI that didn't let you reach certain buttons using d-pad [*]Fixed "return to title" not working in "select mission" screen (thanks Khimitsu) [*]Fixed typo in credits (thanks Khimitsu) [/list] To be continued!