Performance Update (and more)


You are a space mining apprentice with a bright future ahead. However, your superior Commander Neek would rather watch a movie than teach you anything. Can you collect crystals and survive on your own?

Since the last update, I've mainly worked on new music, unlockables, performance improvements, as well as several bug fixes and smaller changes. Here's the full list: [h3]Changes:[/h3] [list] [*]Added 6 new songs [b](not available in demo)[/b] [*]Added 15 unlockables (including 10 gameplay changing abilities) [b](not available in demo)[/b] [*]Added [b]new transitions[/b] for the whole game [*][b]Improved performance[/b] ([url=]read devlog entries for more info[/url]) [*]Added a key to hide the menu button ("M") [*]Replaced field cursor with a new sprite [*]Update cutscene layout [*]Replaced font in the whole game with a better one (thanks SaimizZ) [*]Added subtle [b]visualizer[/b] at the bottom of the screen which reacts to sounds and music [*]Updated shader for turned squares [*]Improved text in several cutscenes [*]Added credits (not available in demo) [*]Added a subtle level border to splash screen [*]Added Unlockables button to splash screen [*]Added Options to splash screen [*]Split up splash screen menu into two columns [*]When playing player levels, "restart" now restarts the level, and "select level" returns to level selection (thanks Hobo) [*]Changed sound when commanding seeker to move [*]Level editor: If you select a patrol target, movement type will be automatically set to patrol now (thanks Auri) [*]Level editor: Added info popup when hovering over editor tools (thanks Auri) [*]Level editor: Added a settings icon for level settings (so it's more clear that there are settings available) [/list] [h3]Bug fixes:[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed noise in cutscenes 13-15, it now plays longer and feels better overall. [*]Fixed bug where a seeker the square behind a seeker would turn when selecting it (thanks Hobo). [*]Fixed bug that caused a line of squares to be turned when selecting Menu > Continue. [*]Fixed a bunch of UI bugs concerning the super secret tips. Also added the new message popup sound for it and made sure it pauses the game. [*]Fixed cross-shaped turning of squares that was possible when the game was paused. [*]Fixed not being able to draw objects in editor with fast mouse movements. [*]Fixed bug that didn't reset background rotation speed when exiting a level via pause menu on the mission success/failure screen. [*]Fixed bug with two music tracks playing at the same time when exiting level editor and going into level 2. [*]Fixed an issue where players names with different language (other than english) wasn't displayed correctly in player levels. [*]Fixed issue where list of player levels was empty after pressing "more". (thanks Hobo) [*]Fixed bug where pressing ESC on splash screen would cause the pause screen to appear but not be active. [*]Fixed bug where the mission success/failed popup wouldn't react anymore after right-clicking. [*]Fixed issue where it was possible to call the start menu between a seeker dying and the mission end popup appearing, causing a layer overlap. (thanks Hobo) [/list] In the months until February, I'll add a few more music tracks, challenge mode, and achievements, among other changes. The demo will probably receive all updates (especially bug fixes), but no additional content. Join the discord and share your feedback: And make sure to add the game to your wishlist, thank you!