Performance and Bug Fixes


You are a space mining apprentice with a bright future ahead. However, your superior Commander Neek would rather watch a movie than teach you anything. Can you collect crystals and survive on your own?

It's been a pretty busy two weeks again, here's what happened: [h3]Changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Added achievements (unlockable in full game) [*] Added energy display in lower left corner [*] Added money display in upper left corner when winning a mission [*] Added sound to chainreaction that keeps getting higher (Auri) [*] Added highlight around seekers at the beginning of a level (Khimitsu) [*] Adjusted level 22, especially the ending (thanks Khimitsu) [*] Increased crystal collider [*] Saved about 40MB ram usage by making sure some big textures are using width/height of multiple of 4, so that it can use DXT5/BC3 format. [*] Removed "Cancel" from controls overview as it doesn't really do anything (Khimitsu) [*] Moved ability to deselect a seeker from right-click to mousewheel-down to avoid accidentally right-clicking and deselecting during hectic sequences. [/list] [h3]Bug fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Possibly fixed an issue when trying to pause the game during patrol selection (Hobo) [*] FIxed UI navigation with d-pad/arrow keys by simply checking the nearest button the player wants to reach. [*] Fixed being able to win level 24 without using the ghost repair seeker (sorry Khimitsu) [*] Fixed incorrect music playing in campaigns (thanks Veven) [*] Further improve performance of creators (deactivate SpriteRenderers and Animators when not in use) [*] Made buttons in pause/options 2 tiles wider to be able to display more text without issues [*] Fixed Halfquake mode still affecting the background when chaos wasn't active (Khimitsu) [*] Fixed the issue of being able to win while at the same time another seeker collides with an enemy and dies (gamespeed now stops immediately) (Khimitsu, Hobo) [*] Fixed seeker eye not moving after the cursor because the Z value was 30 instead of 0. [*] Fixed "really quit" popup in full game (hide wishlist button & wishlist text) [*] Fixed static noise (still) being too loud in cutscenes 13-15 (Hobo) [*] Fixed a route in level 25 that shouldn't be possible (the old version was the same) (Hobo) [*] Fixed sound continuing to play when leaving a cutscene [*] Several performance improvements for transitions [/list] Join the discord and share your feedback: And as always, make sure to add the game to your wishlist, thank you!