Shotgun King Content Update: New Difficulty System, New Game Mode, New Cards...

Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate

Chess, but you replace your entire army with a royal shotgun. A unique strategy roguelike based on the timeless checkboard classic.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42280734/84949f8a038fd4b91393b35e772827a507bb0e47.png[/img] Hi everyone! It's here! [b]The big update we announced 10 days ago is now live![/b] You'll find the complete changelog further below, here are a few important points: [h1]New Difficulty System[/h1] We replaced the old difficulty system and it's 5 levels (easy to king) with 15 ranks of incrementing difficulty. The goal here is to give you a much smoother diffulty curve than before so that the higher difficulties wouldn't feel as frustratingly tough as they used to. This does mean your old save is not compatible with the new version, since the difficulties you completed no longer exist. But we hope the various new unlockable things will motivate you to get blasting from the start again! The game should create a copy of your old save in case you want to keep it for personal use. [h1]Unlockable Shotguns[/h1] The update also adds a new shotgun system! When starting a Throne run, you can select a shotgun to play with, with unique stats per shotgun. It's kindof like a character selection thing, except the character is still our beloved yet equally despicable Shotgun King, and you're just chooseing what shotgun he'll be working with. There are 5 different shotguns, 4 of which you will have to unlock. We'll let you figure out the unlock conditions on your own, but here's a hint: try to select cards to max out specific stats. Good luck! [h1]New Cards[/h1] The update adds some 42 new cards to the game! Some white, some black, we're sure you'll find some pleasant and some less pleasant surprises in there. However, simply expending the card pool would mean pretty bad things for the balance of the game, since it means making it even more unpredictable. To remedy this, we made it so you'll have to get specific cards to unlock others in that run. That way the initial pool isn't too large, and you get a nice depth to explore. And to encourage you to explore it, we've added... [h1]The Codex[/h1] The Codex is a new cozy little interface available from the main menu, where you can see all the cards you've had in the game so far, plus the unlock conditions for them! Will you be able to find 'em all? [h1]New game mode: Chase[/h1] The update also adds a brand new game mode. You'll have to reach level 15 of Endless mode to unlock Chase! Chase mode is a sort of survival mode where white pieces continously come onto the board from all sides to challenge the black king. Every time you kill a white king, you get to choose one of three black cards and then continue your onslaught. But you can only have 5 cards at a time, when you get your 6th card, your 1st one gets destroyed. How far will you make it? [h1]New achievements[/h1] We've also added 46 new Steam achievements! Some of them are like the old ones where you have to win a run with a specific combination of cards, but most of them are more original, like recomposing a classic chess army on the white side, or killing an iron queen, or even stealing the white queen! We've also added difficulty achievements now that we're happier with the new system! [h1]Modding[/h1] The game already supported modding but we've added a whole new set of possibilities, including new card effects but also custom game modes! In fact the existing game modes use the new system, so that you could recreate them yourself. But we're sure you'll prove much more creative than that, as some of you already have with the previous version of the game! We still don't have support for the Steam Workshop yet but we plan to work on it. In the meantime, we're hosting the mods on [url=]our Discord server[/url]! Come join us! [h1]About the languages[/h1] Before this update, the game supported a few different languages thanks to community-made translations. That was very generous of those translators and we're extremely grateful to them for this. However, the update does add a lot of new things so we felt this was a good time to switch to professional translations, especially now that thanks to you we have the funds for it! But unfortunately the new translations aren't quite ready just yet, so the update is only fully available in english for now. The translations should be coming sometime this week. There will be all the languages from before the update plus some three newcomers! We can't wait to announce them, stay tuned for that! [h1]Price Bump[/h1] As announced in our previous post, the game's price goes up to 9.99$ today, or regional equivalent, from 5.99$ previously. It was that or make the update a DLC. We prefered this option better: this way all previous owners get the new content for free and we still get compensated for the extra work with the new purchases! We hope you'll find this agreeable! Ok, that about covers it all, kinda! It's a pretty big update! Here's the changelog! [i][u]Complete Changelog:[/u][/i] [list] [*] [NEW CONTENT] A codex has been added so you can track your cards statistics and try to catch'em all [*] [NEW CONTENT] +42 new cards [*] [NEW CONTENT] New shotgun selection system with 5 different shotguns (4 unlockables) [*] [NEW CONTENT] New difficulty system for Throne mode, featuring 15 ranks to complete. Replaces old 5-level difficulty system. [*] [NEW CONTENT] New Chase mode [*] [MUSIC] New track for endless mode [*] [VISUAL] Added a proper animation for soul reaping [*] [VISUAL] Theocracy is now torn up when boss fight begins [*] [VISUAL] Backups countdown is now visible on card [*] [Balance] Knight speed -1 (they will now move every 3 turns like bishops) [*] [Balance] Grenade dmg is now 2 and has its own ammo type [*] [Balance] Grenade big bounce (2 squares away) is removed, but grenades can now fall off board or sink in the moat. [*] [Balance] Bodyguard now give knights +1hp [*] [Balance] Conscription now spawn pawns every 5 turns (was 4) [*] [Balance] Conclave and Cavalry delay decreased from 20 to 15 turns [*] [Balance] Pikemen now removes one pawn from the white army [*] [Balance] Backups now behave like conscription, they spawn on the backline only [*] [Balance] Percing Truth no longer removes 1 firerange [*] [Balance] Black Mist now removes 1 firerange while the card is face up [*] [Balance] Scouting now only add two pawns instead of three [*] [Balance] Pikemen now gives pawn +1 hp but pawns can now longer attack diagonally [*] [Balance] Knockback now prevents pieces from attacking you on the turn they are moved. [*] [Balance] Wands are now limited to 3. [*] [Balance] Zealots is now flipped if there's no bishop. [*] [Balance] Ritual Dagger now has blade +1 but lowers king hp by 2 instead of 3 [*] [Balance] Lookout Tower now decreases backup timer each time you kill a piece [*] [Balance] Pierce mechanic now works like knockback with a % chance for each bullet to pierce its target. Piercing Truth doesn't decrease firepower anymore. [*] [Rework] Unfaithfull Steed: +1 move range, flip this card if there's no knight on the board [*] [Rework] Taunting Hop: Once per turn, jump over a nearby piece dealing it $0 dmg without ending the turn. Now also works with soul moves. [*] [Achievements] Added 56 new Steam achievements. [*] [Achievements] Wizard achievement now only requires 3 wands. [/list] [b]Thank you once more for all the love and support so far! We hope you'll enjoy all the new content![/b] If you encounter bugs or just want to chat about the game, or discover mods, please do come by [url=]on our Discord server[/url], we're nice! Have a great week! [i]-PUNKCAKE DĂ©licieux đŸ„ž[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42280734/0113017d7b2fa7787da9aca0a1f6ff3b8d5054e2.gif[/img]