Big Content Update and Price Increase coming on November 14th

Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate

Chess, but you replace your entire army with a royal shotgun. A unique strategy roguelike based on the timeless checkboard classic.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42280734/2600009dbc612678083ceb4a03a4c92cbef68584.png[/img] Hi everyone! [b]We're happy to announce we're almost finished with the first big new update to Shotgun King since the Steam release back in May![/b] An update that adds half again the current game's content and then some more, bringing the game's card count above 100, from 66 currently, and adding one brand new game mode alongside Throne and Endless. An update that adds an entirely new difficulty system, hopefully answering the most blistering critiques we've had so far. An update that adds a whole range of new modding possibilities. An update so big, in fact, that we almost made it a DLC!! That is genuinely something we considered. But we couldn't be bothered, so instead this is what's going to happen: [b]On November 14th, all owners of the game will get the full update for free and we'll bump the game's price to 9.99$. [i](from the current 5.99$)[/i][/b] That way we can bring the game's price to a place that is more representative of the added value, but without actually making anyone who already got the game pay anymore for it. At PUNKCAKE Délicieux we don't like to simply see the glass half-full, we want our glass positively filled to the brim, overflowing even, drowning the entire room in both cleverness and magnanimity! That also means that if you haven't bought the game yet, or if you know someone who has been on the fence about it, well we'd recommend telling them, or yourself, to buy the game before the price increase and get [b]free[/b] friendship [i](or self-love)[/i] points with that person! What's more, we're even doing a sale from now up to the 14th, exceptionally bringing the game's price below 5$! [i](or regional equivalent)[/i] With all this out of the way, here is a short gameplay gif of the new Chase mode that is coming to the update! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42280734/8fce896687c4d1f4a06b6177e511a05114a8a33d.gif[/img] We hope you're excited! See you very soon! [i]-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞[/i]