Shark Dating Simulator XL+ is a quick-to-play comedy visual novel with colorful cartoon characters and a multiple choice storyline with consequences for your actions. The only thing for sure is that at some point you'll make it with a shark girl. Go you!
Hello. It's been a busy last couple of years, I've been studying Comic Art at University all this time, but never have sharks entirely left my thoughts. Well, they wouldn't really would they? And so I am pleased to say that Shark Dating Simulator The Full Release is finally on track again.
The entire thing has been re-written from the ground up! The update will be a completely new game, although of course Shark Chan and Marina will have made it into the reboot. There will be no less than 3 (OR ARE THERE) Shark Maidens to pursue in your new job as an underwater detective, as well as lots of new characters to work for/annoy.
We've also lost that ball dropping game. That was rubbish, wasn't it? No idea what I was thinking there. At least it meant we could shoehorn in a few ball gags, if you know what I mean.
To reiterate, once the first stage of the new game is rolled out, we will quit early access and I will continue writing the rest of it and updating in stages (it's not the writing, it's the drawing that takes the time). The price'll go up at that point from its bargain-basement cost up to something slightly less bargain-basement but if you've already bought it, no worries - you won't have to pay a penny extra!
As there may be folk who might miss the original incarnation of SDSXL, don't worry it'll still be available, as a separate program tucked into the game folders.
I've also been asked about Sharky nudity, as Steam have changed their policy on this since the original early-access release. I always thought of the game as more of a comedy with a bit of smut tacked on, but as this seems to be a popular idea (although some industrious folk in the forums have taken care of de-censoring some of it themselves), this will probably end up as an option - although for the sake of letsplayers and the sensitive, there will also be an option to keep the censoring on!
I've made a lot of progress this last while - I'm not going to start swinging promises about , but I intend to get this thing out to you in as short order as I can. I'll post up some screenies soon.
Until then, happy swimming!
- Catfood