Last day for the crowdfunder

Shark Dating Simulator XL+

Shark Dating Simulator XL+ is a quick-to-play comedy visual novel with colorful cartoon characters and a multiple choice storyline with consequences for your actions. The only thing for sure is that at some point you'll make it with a shark girl. Go you!

Hello folks. Today is the very last 24 hours for the Shark Dating XL+ crowdfunder over on IndieGogo! There's still merch left to claim - at this point, we reached 87% of the goal (that's £2,639 out of £3,000, math fans) which isn't too bad at all. It'll keep me going over Christmas anyway, as Indiegogo pay out even if the goal falls short. But if you haven't pitched in and would still like to, here's your last chance! The game plan is to release another special sometime during December (Christmas themed, naturally) and with that next release everything should be in place, including custom player avatar and gender options as well as endless bugfixes, etc. at which point I will take the game out of early access and request Steam to increase the price of the game to reflect the work put into it and the forthcoming additional content. Then in early 2022, I'll start rolling out the 'proper' chapters, beginning at the start of the sharky story with what will be essentially a reboot of the original game with Shark Chan and moving on from there with a new chapter every couple of months or so until the game is complete. As I've always stated, additional content will not be DLC - if you own it you own it, and any new chapters will be added in updates to the game. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the fundraiser, your names will appear in the credits in the next update and I hope to start sending out backer rewards starting early next year. Until next time! - Catfood