Greetings! Shark Dating Simulator XL has recieved its first update. This includes:
* Minor corrections to typos in the text
* One correction where the wrong avatar appeared when you first met Shark Chan
* Gender option added, and small gender specific changes to the story made
* Graphical improvements
* All assets now packed and protected in a single executable with 3rd party software, which also compresses the game from 140-ish meg down to about 34.
* Save point function added
* Shark Chan's 'happy endings' now feaures 8 different graphical results, 4 for male and 4 for female. These are placeholders - another artist has been commissioned to render some better ones!
When you start this new build, you may notice an icon that says 'CONTINUE' left of the start game icon. This is actually your gender-choosing icon. It looks like that for reasons of not wanting to erase your preferences file, so just give it a click and it will then work as intended.
As ever, any bugs or features you want to chat about please visit the game's Steam forums.
Best of luck!