Shadow Empire: Oceania out now

Shadow Empire

Shadow Empire is a deep turn-based 4X wargame with a unique blend of military focus, procedurally generated content and role-playing features.

Hi everyone,  We are excited to announce the release of [b]Oceania, the new DLC for the award-winning 4X wargame Shadow Empire[/b]. Along with this new expansion, players will also receive a massive [b]free Core 1.2 update[/b] that brings hundreds of fixes and improvements to the game. To celebrate the release of the new DLC and the Core 1.2 update, Shadow Empire will be part of a special sale. [previewyoutube=Zi2sNImH7i0;full][/previewyoutube] [b]DLC Description:[/b] For a long time the Planet Generation of Shadow Empire was limited to dry Planets and Planets with relatively small bodies of water. Now all is possible. You can create second Earths and even Waterworlds. Planets with many islands, or just a few continents. The new maps being generated with Oceania DLC change the feel and ambiance of the game completely. But it also changes the gameplay a lot and will make you experience a different style of game.  On top of this: the existing land-based Traders have gotten a more organised cousin with the sea-based Traders, who are known as Maritime Trade Houses (MTHs). The MTHs will allow you to explore the Oceans and secure Transport Contracts to invade and/or keep logistics flowing between different continents or islands. The MTH are of a very mercantile nature and it is also possible to acquire their stock. Once a shareholder you can use Policy Meetings with the MTH to influence their attitudes and Dividend payments.  [b]DLC Features:[/b] [list] [*] With Oceania the Procedural Planet Generation can now generate much more diverse Planets [*] Gaia Planet Class now available [*] Thalassa Planet Class now available [*] Proteus Planet Class now available [*] Fontus Planet Class now available [*] Maritime Trade House (MTH) mechanics [*] MTH Stock-trading, Policy Meetings, Dividends & Auctions [*] MTH Transport, Explore and Makeshift Port Contracts [*] MTH Naval warfare for sea supremacy [*] Naval logistical points allow amphibious invasions and transfers [*] Note that the player does not control any naval units and all maritime action is simulated through the MTHs [/list] [b]Core 1.2 update:[/b] Shadow Empire 1.2 brings many balancing improvements, bug fixes and rules improvements and finetunings: [list] [*] AI quality has improved as well as the AI speed [*] The manual has been updated [*] Planet generation has been improved [*] Trader algorithms have been revised and the new simulation is much more solid and realistic [*] Micromanagement of Zone Inventories is now possible [*] Autocracy has been strengthened [*] The UI has been updated: [*] Faster Strategic Map & Stratagem Map on big Planets [*] Re-roll button for the Apocalypse Phase has been added [*] Skill roll preview mouse overs have been added [/list] For those of you who want to know every detail of the Core 1.2 update, a detailed changelog is available [u][b][url=]here[/url][/b][/u]. Shadow Empire's manual has been updated, you can find the revised version [u][b][url=]here[/url][/b][/u].  In case you have missed Vic’s stream on Oceania, the new DLC for Shadow Empire, don’t worry. You can rewatch the stream here: [previewyoutube=SNyOE4FgOnA;full][/previewyoutube]