Shadow Empire - Major Update (v1.08.01)

Shadow Empire

Shadow Empire is a deep turn-based 4X wargame with a unique blend of military focus, procedurally generated content and role-playing features.

In an effort to keep improving the game and offer more hours of fun to new and experienced players, we have released a [b]major update[/b] for Shadow Empire. The update brings you two [b]new planet classes[/b] and [b]stratagem crafting[/b]. Also, now[b] Sentient Alien Life[/b] can evolve on Planets, so watch your back as they'll try to make contact. Following your feedback, we've also been working on improving the AI turn speed. Have a look at the [url=]complete changelog[/url]. [h3]WELCOME HYDRA AND MORGANA[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35978598/8291fdeb45c36cc5fc9525fb9a205e56c3e83d8e.png[/img] Here we see the new [b]Hydra Class[/b] Planet which can have up to 40% water surface, serving as a perfect habitat for alien lifeforms. The [b]Morgana Class[/b] Planets are arid and dry instead, but you'll find oases and lots of water spots. [H3]SENTIEN ALIEN LIFE[/h3] Sentient alien life can now evolve on Planets. If this happens on the Planet you are playing on you'll very probably face some Alien natives during your game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35978598/be9be4bffa92deac690d00d01712cba19e0a36d2.png[/img] Alien natives will be present as Minor Regimes. You can send Xeno Diplomats to them, but they can also directly contact you. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35978598/dea02156d814c6e8290534e477cd0549e3746fad.png[/img] Alien natives will usually have some Tech and thus weaponry, but they'll also field domesticated Critters against you. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35978598/a2fdfa23ee9222d200d9fa2a493612c60e6dbe0f.png[/img] Sentient life tends to develop on Planets where evolutionary competition between different species is high. [h3]STRATAGEM CRAFTING[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35978598/0cbcb5ed14f5ca2fd00f78fa0f6c9407804c89f9.png[/img] You can now discard the stratagems you don't need and gain [b]scrap points[/b]. Scrap points can be used to craft new stratagems: the crafted Stratagems are random and procedurally generated and thus always a surprise. [h3]HIGHEST DISCOUNT EVER[/h3] As part of the Slitherine Publisher Weekend, Shadow Empire is now 35% off for the very first time. Get it now and don't miss [url=][b]one of the best 4X games ever released on PC[/b][/url].