SFXEngine All Set Bundle

Future Pool

Future Pool is a futuristic version of 8-ball pool. Players take turns to shoot a cue-ball on a circular pool table. The first player to knock out all of their balls, plus the black 8-ball, wins. A game for one or two players with a selection of computer opponents.

A new SFXEngine Bundle containing all of the Bolt-on DLC at a 25% discount is now live. The new 'Bolt-on Full Set Bundle' contains all ten 'Bolt-on' Engine Sets: Sample, Analogue, Amplitude, Pitch, Pan, Filter, Delay, Reverb, Distortion, and Special. This full set of over 50 powerful plug-ins transforms your sound making ability! From the sample-bending Proteus, though the unique Nitroverb and Oxyverb reverbs, to Oscillator Synchronisation, this ultimate kit of audio effects transforms the vanilla SFXEngine into an insanely powerful professional sound creation tool. As with all Steam Bundles, you pay only for what you don't already own. The bundle has 25% off from today: [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/38164/SFXEngine_Bolton_Full_Set/]https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/38164/SFXEngine_Bolton_Full_Set/[/url] Not tried SFXEngine yet? Find the full app and the free demo, here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2438590/SFXEngine/ Enjoy creating, Mark