September 7th Quality of Life Patch

Kumitantei: Old-School Slaughter

Janus Institute's Class of '89 are trapped and forced to kill eachother 'for science', is survival in the cards? KT:OSS is a new murder-mystery adventure game inspired by retro anime, with gameplay ranging from deck-building and tense card battles to classic socialising and puzzle-solving!

Thank you for playing the Kumitantei: Old-School Slaughter Demo! This patch adds a few quality of life features and fixes one bug. Patch Notes: [list] [*]While Himari is talking on the right side of the screen, her name flips to the other side to match. [*]Slow, fast, and faster text speeds are now available and can be accessed in the settings menu both in the Story Demo and the Title Screen, under "Text Speed". [*]An icon now appears while the game is loading. [*]Added saving. [list] [*]The "Exit to title" pause menu option now saves the game. [*]The game autosaves when entering a room. [*]Save data can be reset in the System menu on the Title Screen or by completing the Story Demo. [/list] [*]Fixed an issue during dialogue in which the game would softlock and repeatedly write the continue icon. [/list]