September 14th Demo Update

Kumitantei: Old-School Slaughter

Janus Institute's Class of '89 are trapped and forced to kill eachother 'for science', is survival in the cards? KT:OSS is a new murder-mystery adventure game inspired by retro anime, with gameplay ranging from deck-building and tense card battles to classic socialising and puzzle-solving!

Thank you for playing the Kumitantei: Old-School Slaughter Demo! This update adds some quality of life features as well as adjusting defense in the Battle Demo. [b]Story Demo[/b] [list] [*]Added the Message Log. This displays all previous messages in the current scene in order and can be scrolled using up and down. [*]Added the ability to toggle the UI during dialogue scenes. This cannot be done during animated scenes. [/list] [b]Battle Demo[/b] [list] [*]The How to Play section has gotten multiple adjustments, notably in the inclusion of visuals to help convey information. [*]Defense has been reworked during a Combo. [list] [*]During a Combo, the length of it significantly reduces the value of the defending card instead of completely ignoring the value. [*]Debate Cards with a value of 4 or lower still ignore the value of the defending card during a Combo. [*]The current defense of a card is displayed on top of its value, if it is modified. [/list] [*]The [b]Knight[/b] Skill Card now applies a Defense boost instead of limiting incoming damage. [*]With the Defense system changes, a 1 will act as a 10 against defending cards with any value greater than or equal to 8. [*]The decks and difficulty of each fight has been fine-tuned and adjusted to help ease players into the game system. [/list]