Meet the Lumberjack

Kumitantei: Old-School Slaughter

Janus Institute's Class of '89 are trapped and forced to kill eachother 'for science', is survival in the cards? KT:OSS is a new murder-mystery adventure game inspired by retro anime, with gameplay ranging from deck-building and tense card battles to classic socialising and puzzle-solving!

[h2]Meet [b]Kazan Myōga[/b], the Absolute Lumberjack![/h2] A solitary lumberjack who dedicated her life to her family. To help her ill sister, she had no choice but to take any work she can find, even if it meant lending her strength to criminals. [previewyoutube=XS03cFriV3A;full][/previewyoutube] [img][/img] Visit our Website: Watch us on Youtube: Join our Discord: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Bluesky: