Selaco v0.83a Patchnotes - Balance, Quality of Life, and bug fixes


Selaco is a brand new original shooter inspired by classics, featuring thrilling action set pieces, destructibility, smart enemies and a fleshed out story taking place within an immersive game world.

Captains, The first ever Selaco patch is now live! This patch focuses entirely on balance changes and bug fixes. We always intended for Selaco to be difficult, that will always the case, but we've taken some steps to make things more fair. Especially on lower difficulty modes which are meant to be more accessible. With the launch behind us, we are going to take it easy for a moment to get our bearings back. Once our little break time is over, we start working on the [u]first major content patch[/u] that will arrive later this Summer. Thanks for the feedback everyone! Keep it coming. [b]Please bare in mind that most Balance Changes will only be applied on a brand new save![/b] [h2]BALANCE[/h2] [h3]Armor[/h3] [list] [*] Increased Player Armor durability by 20%, armor will now protect you for a fair bit longer. [/list] [h3]UC-36 Assault Rifle[/h3] This makes the weapon behave a little closer to how it was in the Demo, especially after some additional upgrades. [list] [*] Decreased Spread Per Shot for improved sustained accuracy [*] Increased Spread Recovery speed when the player is no longer firing [/list] [h3]Difficulty Tweaks[/h3] [b]Lower difficulties have been made a little easier.[/b] [list] [*] (Ensign) Further reduced Enemy Health by 25%, further reduced Enemy Damage by 20% [*] (Lieutenant) Further reduced Enemy Health by 15%, further reduced Enemy Damage by 15% [*] (Commander)Further reduced enemy damage by 10% [/list] [h3]Enemy Soldiers[/h3] [list] [*] Increased Stagger chances for most low tier enemies [*] Reduced movement speed for Engineers, and Rifleman who got an Attacker role [/list] [h2]QUALITY OF LIFE[/h2] [h3]Improved Autosaves[/h3] [list] [*] Added system where entering older levels will create an autsave [*] Fixed an error where the game would not autosave before the first Juggernaut Fight [/list] [h3]Improved Keycards[/h3] [list] [*] Drastically improved the Sight Range for Keycards, causing them to appear on the Automap much sooner. This was always meant to happen, but due to an oversight the distance was 256 units, instead of 1536. [/list] [h3]Cloud Saving[/h3] [list] [*] Corrected Cloud Save directory. Due to an error this was not working. Please let us know if it works now! [/list] [h2]BUG FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a crash that could be caused by some objects failing to penetrate glass [*] Fixed credits being invisible at the end of the Episode [*] Fixed an infinite loop if a crushed soda can is crushed again by a door [*] Added some missing Patreon backer credits [*] Fixed a crash caused by Crawler Mines attacking a dead player [*] Toolbox Drawers no longer have an overly generous hitbox [*] Fixed typo where the Cricket Headshot upgrade mentioned 30% more damage instead of 60%. [/list] [h3]I want to go back to the old build![/h3] [img][/img] We will always include the option to revert to an older build of the game whenever a new update arrives! Just click on the version number in the Beta tab to get there. Any questions? Comment below. Have a fantastic week everyone! - Altered Orbit Studios