SAGA 2024 Local Star Award


Play as Sisyphus in the ancient Greek underworld, clearing obstacles and pushing your special rock towards the target in over 70 levels of this short Sokoban-like puzzle game with a 1-bit art style.

Hi everyone, I have amazing news to share: Sisypush has not only been selected as a finalist for the Styrian Games Awards 2024, but has actually [b]WON the Local Star Award[/b] category! This is the first game development related award I have won and means A LOT to me! Part of being a finalist for the award also meant I had the opportunity to exhibit my game at the Button Festival, a cozy event where board game fans, video game players, anime fans and more meet. And so many of the visitors actually wanted to try out Sisypush! It was such a great experience seeing so many of you enjoy the game I made. Some people only played a level or two and then moved on to the next game (which is totally okay as well obviously), but some of you played level after level, cooperated to solve some of the most challenging puzzles in the game and showed me solutions I didn't even know about. Thank you so much to everyone who visited my booth at the festival, you were all so super nice and it made me truly happy to see you have so much fun with this silly little puzzle game I made. I wish you have a great day! - Flo