S.W.A.N. Dev Diary #2

S.W.A.N.: Chernobyl Unexplored

S.W.A.N.: Chernobyl Unexplored is a science fiction FPS puzzle horror game, which takes place a few months after the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant disaster. Experience a tale about an unexplored area within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone - The S.W.A.N. Institute.

Hello Comrades! In this part of the S.W.A.N. Dev Diary, we would like to share some information with you [b]about the music that will appear in the game[/b]. The soundtrack was written and produced from scratch. It is a very important element of the gameplay. It emphasizes the nature of a given location and sets the tone for various events that we witness behind the walls of the S.W.A.N. Institute. We used synthesizers, piano, drums, and electric guitars, all to record the music for the soundtrack. In the video below, you can see 2 locations captured directly from the game and the main menu with a completely new look (we will tell you about the work on the User Interface in the next Dev Diary releases). We can't wait for you to find yourselves in these places and discover their secrets. In the background of the film, you can hear the main theme of S.W.A.N. The key assumption when creating this melody was a subtle reference to old Russian lullabies and folk music. It was a great inspiration. The piece was also supposed to be full of anxiety and tension at the same time. We invite you to listen to it! [previewyoutube=ZgZcra-jwkU;full][/previewyoutube]