Rogue AI Simulator Patch 1.1.0 is now LIVE!

Attention Test Subjects! A new patch (v1.1.0) has been uploaded! I've been hard at work on this one, porting the entire game over to Gamemaker Studio 2 over the last few months. It's quite a major update, and brings significant performance improvements (better frame rates, optimized behind-the-scenes engine stuff), so the download size for this patch is rather large, but will be much smaller in future updates. Other than various QoL improvements (a progress bar for actions, a new icon to indicate dirty floors, etc), one of the major changes is how hacking remote locations now work. Previously, the pacing of the minigame was somewhat awkward, requiring players to suddenly focus on getting it "right". The hacking minigame has been revamped to something new: instead of clicking on individual objects to hack, a Spiderbot moves across the bottom of the screen, and clicking unleashes a hack that triggers everything in its path. Electrical/electronic objects that are hacked will create additional hacks of their own, giving the entire minigame a much more fluid, chain-reaction feel. In order to rebalance the risk-reward of the minigame, the first hack is free, and many of the Fear Level penalties for alerting the humans have been removed/reduced. Instead, each additional hack costs +1 Fear Level per difficulty (so +3 on red locations). I know this change may be controversial, but it's proven to be superior to the previous version in testing, so I hope all of you will give it a chance! Changelog: v 1.1.0 ----- - Ported the game to Gamemaker Studio 2, with significant performance improvements - Hacking locations is now much easier and more intuitive: click to hack everything in a line - Dirty floor tiles are marked more clearly now with a broom icon. - All Test Subject actions now have a progress bar indicator. - You can now press Escape to close the build menu or deselect objects.