Rodina 1.5 Patched!


A single-developer passion project. A seamless full scale solar system. Thrilling action. Be part of an incredible journey as a Universe is built from the ground up!

Rodina 1.5 has been patched to fix a number of chronic issues users have been seeing: [list] [*] Fixed old saves not loading up furniture / robots [*] Fixed custom lights [*] Fixed interior air pressure when using interior editor [*] Fixed crash when approaching generated interiors [*] Fixed robot bodies in persistent storage [*] Robot bodies generated with seed values, rather than randomly at generation time [/list] NOTICE: Due to some fixes with how robots are implemented, this update comes with an unfortunate side-effect for all players: [b]all robots will change to new bodies on first load[/b]. I'm sorry about your robots' old bodies, but these new bodies are their true selves! If you see any bugs, new or old, with this patch, please keep reporting so I can keep squashing! ADDITIONALLY: I'm working hard on Rodina 1.6, the Inventory and Player Systems update! [b]News on that and other Rodina developments coming up next[/b]!