Roboquest - Hotfix 0.12.1


Roboquest is a fast FPS Roguelite in a scorched futureworld. You're a rebooted Guardian, ready to kick some metal ass! Fight with your buddy or by yourself and annihilate hordes of deadly bots in ever-changing environments.

Hello everyone! We just released a small hotfix for Roboquest (v0.12.1). Find the list of changes below. Also and to keep you in the loop let's say we're still hard at work for the final release of the game which will come somewhere in 2023. We have no other news yet but we'll be back with a devblog in the weeks to come to tell you everything we can. But meanwhile, we hope you're having a blast! [h1]Changelist 0.12.1[/h1] [h2]Gameplay[/h2] • Reduced maximum speed reduction from 40% to 30% • "Paint Brush" elemental ratio reduced from 1.5 to 0.7 [h2]Optimization[/h2] • Improved performances of some HUD elements such as crowd control feedback, floating texts and maps [h2]Localization[/h2] • Added a few missing translations (mainly for Chinese) • Fixed a few text errors [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] • "Toaster" bonus damage against burning enemies now properly applies to Engineer's drones • "Cryo Mastery" automatic critical hit against frozen enemies now properly applies to Engineer's drones • Fixed a few out-of-bounds routes in "Quarry" and "Haven City - Corrupted" • Fixed some floating cryo traps in "Aqua Station" • Fixed an issue when restarting a game in multiplayer, it will now work as intended (and restart the game, you know) • Speculative: Fixed a crash occurring when battling flying enemies • Speculative: Fixed a crash occurring relative to shoot decals when loading a level • Speculative: Fixed a crash occurring when watching at a recently dropped weapon on client That's it for this little hotfix, we wish you all a happy robot smashing!