Risk Of Rain 2 explodes into early access with a two-for-one deal

Risk of Rain (2013)

Risk of Rain is an action platformer with roguelike elements. With permanent death as a primary feature, players will have to play their best to get as far as possible. Fight on a mysterious planet with randomly spawning enemies and bosses, either alone or with 3 friends in online co-op.

The original Risk Of Rain was a game about big numbers – a platform roguelike with a thing for screen-filling, damage-number-generating projectile spam. Three-dimensional sequel Risk Of Rain 2 has just launched into early access, and is already doubling down on the multipliers, as players who pick it up by midnight PST on March 30th will get a second copy to share with a friend. While it expands into larger polygonal spaces, the sequel looks to be just as messy, but developers Hopoo reckon online co-op for up to four is easier to set up now, connecting directly through Steam.
