Rhythm Fighter is an irresistibly awkward beat-'em-up

Rhythm Fighter

This is a Roguelike Horizontal Action game that players need to follow the beat to defeat opponents. Beat to follow, fist to the bone. Face the foe, and dance to kill!

Wow Rhythm Fighter makes my brain hurt. It's the controls: it's like learning to type on a different language keyboard. There's an easy option but it puts you at a disadvantage overall and you can feel the game frown at you for choosing it.

I'm getting ahead of myself. Rhythm Fighter is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up where you have to do everything in time to bopping music. And it looks like a cartoon. And you fight giant vegetables. And you only get one life. Got it?

OK, the controls. They don't sound difficult but let me tell you: they do not feel natural.

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