Residual launches on September 9th!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37530908/00ae8aa1e1b25fd229a3913dfc43c2c7885ba45f.jpg[/img] Just ONE MORE WEEK! And Residual will launch you into space -- so you can crash on one of the many planets in the universe! I hope you are as excited as I am for this new adventure. I have a few little extra things I wanted to share with you: [b]PAX-WEST ![/b] Residual will be on the PAX floor at the Apogee booth! - so go check it out and give it a little play if you happen to be there! [b]STREAMS AND VIDEOS[/b] If you plan on streaming, or upload videos of your gameplay, make sure to drop by on [url=][/url] as I've setup a channel for you to promote your Residual stream/video there! [b]FREE GAME MANUAL[/b] And finally, as an extra bonus, I'm giving away a FREE copy of the Residual Digital Manual if you [url=]sign-up to the Orangepixel newsletter[/url] ! The eManual has a bunch of information on the game, including a good old fashioned back-story that's exclusive to the manual. [b]MAC VERSION[/b] I'm still looking into the options to distribute the Mac build, Apple made it VERY difficult to simply release Mac games with their notarization policy. There is a Mac build available, and I'm sure going to try to make it available somehow and somewhere, but there's still a bit of figuring out there. [b]STEAM DECK[/b] Getting a bunch of questions about Steam Deck - all I can say now is that I'D LOVE to support the deck with all my games, I have high hopes, since we have Linux builds available for all the games including Residual, but right now, I have no access to a deck, so no way of testing it - so let's just wait and see! IF you had previously signed up to the newsletter an extra email with a link to the manual will go out on launch day - so don't worry, I got you covered! Pfew.. think we're now all set for next week's release! - Come hang out on the discord to chat about the game if you like. ..and remember: the surface is just the beginning ! - Pascal / Orangepixel [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37530908/77aa0feb25b4ace47f4c78a13df9c34fba8ce475.jpg[/img]