[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37530908/0329bc6e1b6787026e170925960c9e4be4f51170.jpg[/img] First update is here! It's not a big one, because I first want to make sure all the tiny annoyances and other small bugs are fixed before I start introducing new bugs.. uhm, I mean.. new features! So the list of changes in this update: [list] [*]added: patch-notes popup (only shown once on new updates) [*]added: Scanner now also shows minable-pockets for resources [*]added: items dropped from your backpack now have a marker above them [*]added: fail-safe mechanism detecting player being "blocked" into solids (due to vine-swinging for example) - make him "wake up" at the ship as if passed out [*]added: Roof-generators now also "light up" the plane they are on (besides their other function) [*]fixed:biting-creatures can "corner" the player into a non-movable position. [*]fixed: opening visor when being grabbed by slurper-plant goes "crazy" interface wise until creatures lets you drop [*]fixed: "mission completed" percentage on load-game screen isn't correct [*]fixed: bug causing sleeping/restoring taking much longer than needed [*]fixed: far less random events (less backpack broken, or device disabled) [*]fixed: improved check on mission-required resources already collected (only on new mission triggers, not for existing) [/list] Besides that, I'm glad to see everyone is exploring those planets! As you might have noticed by now, the type of planet you crash on can have a huge impact on your gaming experience - so do make sure to try a couple of other planets (especially if you are one of the unlucky ones that ends up on a very cold planet with barely any fruit). Here are a couple of tips to help you on your adventure: [b]FOOD[/b]: Can regrow, but only if you leave the stems/sticks in the ground! Don't pull them out, and fruit will regrow in a (game)day or so. Usually running against a stem will let the fruit drop to make that even easier [b]FISH[/b]: A resource that also keeps coming back, water is empty? visit it a bit later and you might find fish in there! [b]MUSHROOMS[/b]: Great resource for restoring energy.. but they come with side-effects! - cooking will help limit those effects. [b]WATER[/b]: You can always fill your flask (in inventory) with water! This refuels your energy levels slightly (not fully) but a very easy and quick way to regain some energy on a planet without much food [b]ENERGY[/b]: The speed at which you lose energy is based a lot on the temperature on the planet, or the area you are in (for example: deep underground it's often very cold) - Your solar-suit will keep you warm, but the colder it is, the faster the solar-suit will deplete and needs recharging in the sun ! A fire will keep you warm and safe. [b]SLEEP[/b]: Sleep restores your energy, but how much it restores is also based on your food levels. Best thing is to try and eat and refill your food-bar before you sleep. [b]REST[/b]: Sleeping in the captains chair is great, but you can also build a campfire, stand near it, and your character will then sit down and rest. This also restores your energy, and gives you rest. Often a quick way as you don't have to travel back and forth to the ship. And of course hop on the [url=][/url] if you wanna talk to other adventurers, already some great conversations going as people help each other out :) More updates are coming, and please remember to leave a rating/review on the game, this helps visibility - especially if you enjoy what's here and what's to come! - Pascal / Orangepixel