The planet scanner has always been a bit of a messy, tiny, view of your planet. So make sure to grab this update as it brings in a MUCH better view of the planet, your steps taken, and you will even find hints of Dilithium on there now!
I also added Fruit seeds! So even on a planet with very little fruit, you can plant your own. - Where do you find these seeds? Well, luckily most creatures on a planet know where to find food, so they kinda poop/drop them every now and then ;)
Chase some animals for the seeds!
Full changes list for this update:
[*]added: Creatures will drop Fruit seeds
[*]added: Dilithium on the scanner
[*]added: Fruit seeds, can be planted to grow fruit on any planet
[*]added: Planet-selection is now available by default (no more Travel Runes needed)
[*]added: Upgraded radar screen (bigger and more useful)
[*]changed: cleaned up Travel Agency screen
[*]fixed: Lit-up glucobombs now show "place" info instead of "backpack"