Regarding State of the Game

Doomsday Hunters

Shoot stuff in a perfect pixel world, combine items, build guns, die every time! Roguelite twin-stick shooter where magic and post-apocalyptic future technologies collide. Defeat evil lord Dracula and save everyone!

Hello guys, so there's been a lot of discussion (not really, because our community is very small, but I still feel obliged to point out a few things) on the future of the game now that we announced another game in development (It's called Doomsday Fodder and you probably missed due to how Steam organizes announcements), so I will try to clarify a few things here. Let me begin with the fact that it's been more than 8 years since we have started the game. It's been a long road that cost us a lot of hardship, health issues, relationships, burnouts, depression, and so on. This is ok, that's life and it goes on. There's been a em.. "Conflict" in our country (Russia) which you might have heard of, this didn't help either, and it's going on for a year now. Yeah I know, you don't wanna hear about it. The game was in Early Access for almost 3 years now. I wish it had gone better, but the harsh reality is that it didn't. There might have been faults on our side communicating all that stuff to you, but the truth is that we tried our best to fix the game so that it would be as perfect as it can be. And well, if we failed then we did fail -- but I personally believe its in a decent state now. We didn't want to publish all the changes right away and leave nothing for actual 1.0 "out of early access release", so it's currently locked in BETA BRANCH, but you can go ahead and look there. There are major issues with the game which cannot be fixed at this point. Isometry sounds like a cool gimmick that would interest people, but we cannot do anything with the fact that it makes harder to aim, and we didn't want to dumb it down to autoaim like Hades did (which did it fantastically btw). There are many design decisions that feel weak now 8 years later, but back then we didn't know better and there weren't many examples - in fact there were almost zero gun-heavy 2d roguelikes when we started. And now that the game is complete, changing things like that mean months of heavy work. I didn't like how Special Weapons work, so I tried to redesign it several times. Same for Skills. Unlocks. Difficulty balance. Universes. Anomalies. Minigames. Those things literally took years to fix, and while I see change I'm not sure it was worth it. I still don't know if there's a roguelike shooter on a market as heavily filled with different mechanics and stuff (can be good or bad depending on your perspective). We have literally hundreds of unique monsters (around 200 maybe? IDK). I know games that have 6. Hades literally had around 6 or 7 when it first launched into EA. We have hundreds of guns. Hundreds of items. I think we did a pretty decent job. There's like a gazillion things that can be done to improve it, but the problem is - we don't have enough manpower. I will eventually try to make a way for you guys to edit stuff - add levels, change variables on guns and items, stuff like that. But are you really invested in trying that? So, in the end, the game is ready to be launched in 1.0. And will be available on Switch, Xbox and possibly that other console, we're currently in the process of doing some optimization to run a smooth 60 FPS on Switch and it's going great. And if that goes well, the game will be developed further. I will try to fix all the issues, add new stuff, make balance better and we might do some DLCs even. Of course that's heavily dependent of game's success. I STILL HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO MAKE MEDIA INTERESTED, but wish us luck. Or don't. Have a nice day.