Refunct Update 7


Refunct is a peaceful, short first-person platformer about restoring a vibrant world.

[img][/img] Hey all! A new update has gone live adding support for 16 languages and a lot of general improvements as well:[list][*]Added Chinese, Korean, Russian, German, French, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Italian, Danish and Finnish localization [*][strike]Added two achievements[/strike] (reverted) [*]Added setting to change the language [*]Added fading fireworks if being too close to prevent flashing the player [*]Fixed framerate hitches due to audio after Update 5 [*]Fixed launching the game without the latest Windows updates [*]Improved pillar rise timings slightly to make speedrun more consistent [*]Improved sky colors [*]Improved water sounds attenuation and volume [*]Improved text [*]Reduced required hard drive size [*]Removed coloring pillar below collectible when collecting [/list]