Refunct Update 5


Refunct is a peaceful, short first-person platformer about restoring a vibrant world.

[img][/img] Hey all! A new patch has just gone live to allow for post-completion player expression and increased polish: [list] [*]Added pillar colorization system [*]Added saving completion time between sessions [*]Added menu title/time color variation after collecting all collectibles [*]Improved movement precision slightly [*]Improved sound effects modulation variations [*]Improved intro logo timing [*]Improved game completion time taking new game glitch into account [*][strike]Fixed new game glitch[/strike] (reverted) [*]Fixed softlock if using new game glitch on first button [*]Fixed camera clipping into water in rare cases [*]Fixed game progress if loading invalid savegame [*]Fixed UI scale on certain hardware [*]Fixed silent audio under water on macOS [*]Increased field of view setting range to 70° - 130° [/list]