Recolit has finally been released!


Your spaceship crashes, and you find yourself in a dark town that looks just like any other, but that has something different about it. Its people go about their daily lives as if nothing was off, even though the sky above their heads is always black.

Hi, this is Image Labo, the dev team. We're here to announce that today, Recolit has finally been released. We hope it'll give you some joy, maybe as much joy as a nice lunch complete with dessert and coffee. [h2]We released the OST[/h2] We have also released Recolit's OST. It contains all of the 13 tracks used in the game and 2 demo tracks that weren't used. [h2]Bug reports[/h2] If you encounter any bug while playing, please report it on the Steam community or on Discord. We'll try to fix anything as soon as possible, but keep in mind that as we are a very small team, "as soon as possible" may take some time. [h2]About streaming[/h2] You are free to stream Recolit up to and including the second stage, the train station. For more details, see the guidelines below: We decided to set this restriction so that the people who buy the game may be able to enjoy a few surprises. Thank you for your understanding.