Recent Updates - Accessibility, New Content, Upcoming Beta


Grab a gun and take down hostile robots corrupted by synthetic emotions! Combine weapon modifications and wreak havoc in this roguelite shooter. Let your emotions shape combat and alter boss fights! Fight alone or join up with up to 4 players!

Hello! It is StickyStone Studios. We want to share bits of what we were working on after the Prologue release! [h2]Accessibility - Bullet Colors[/h2] One of the feedback we have received a lot was [b]unconventional projectile colors[/b]. Some even said that [b]the bullet colors of char and enemies were swapped[/b], making it difficult to get used to the game at first. During our deep dive into the topic, we found out that there are [b]300 million color-blind people[/b] in the world, with every [b]1 out of 12 men having it to a certain extent[/b]. [h3][i]Johnny - I told you guys, it is magenta! Not pink![/i][/h3] 98% of color blindness is in red-green zone, meaning 1/12 players could not play Anger char in the Pride Region. [b]So we fixed this:[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315850/8a39a78051114bae014aa5014b0290e1e93e2f3e.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315850/fd51847e8bedb289d695cb156de0e40229befd04.gif[/img] [h3]Not only char colors! You can pick the enemy bullet color too![/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315850/8056bfab504501eab40c9656471a4c273537ae99.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315850/0e7ce3066b6b021b73d1e05c3d4dcdb42f2df49e.gif[/img] [h2]New Content - New Region & Char[/h2] [h3]Now there are 3 regions — Pride, Anger, and Sorrow[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315850/434848b1c716f0303e25412832e1df5898256f43.png[/img] For the Sorrow region, The Silent Ruins, we have chosen an urban design. As the main topic of the lore is about humans leaving robots behind, this whole region is about the reminiscence of the once most populated places mech's creators used to live in. Currently, we are working on making environments more visually readable and harmonic. As well as filling it with more content. [h3]More unique enemies[/h3] Mechs in the Sorrow Region are more technologically advanced and are much more disciplined, making them more fierce than any foe you have met before. [b]Chargers - shine red before ramming you[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315850/3aed16ff9a0b8720dab51a51f4f35da58fa0ce3d.png[/img] [b]Enemy Projection - weakened holograms[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315850/cf7801993cf6368668f8aff20df90c029374f98d.png[/img] [b]Icy Demolisher - Freeze arrow across the map[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42315850/8b01a7e9b8df6812ac7fdacd8b4f753bc162c538.png[/img] [h2]Upcoming Beta - The list is almost decided[/h2] If you consider joining, submit your request here. If someone decides not to participate, we will call you : ) [url=]Join our Discord[/url] - StickyStone Studios